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My aim

My research work aims to study how spatial and temporal regulations of cell wall remodelling occur during organogenesis. The approach consists of innovative and integrated screening methods (transcriptomic data analysis, functional analysis) to discover new genetic regulators. The aim of the MSCA-GF 2023-2026 project is to identify conserved genetic programs between Brachypodium distachyon, a non-domesticated grass (monocotyledon) model, and Lupinus albus (White lupin), a cultivated legume (dicotyledon) crop. The long-term objective for my future career is to decipher the conserved developmental trajectories channelling root organ morphogenesis.

PIN1 citrin_ 0h LR_Seedling 3_40x_0.5 stack_VIII_z47
AUX1 sGFP_ 12h LR_Seedling 1_40x_0.5 stack_Stge VIII_z32
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