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Conserved develoPmentaL trAjectories chaNnelling laTeral root primorDium morphogenesis

Type de projet

Project n° 101106663 HORIZON TMA MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships - Global Fellowships


1st Sept. 2023 - 30 Aug. 2026


University of Neuchâtel, Laboratory of Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology and CNRS, Institute for Plant Sciences of Montpellier (IPSiM)

• The consortium:

UNINE/CNRS: Dr. K.Bellande; Co-coordinator;
Brachypodium distachyon and Lupinus albus

CNRS: Dr. Benjamin Péret; Co-coordinator; Lupinus albus

UNINE: Prof. Dr. J. Vermeer; Associated partner; Brachypodium distachyon

• Collaborators:
- New York University: Prof. Dr. K. Birnbaum; Dr. B. Guillotin; Expertise/Technical support for the Lateral Root Single nuclei approach

- University of Bern: Prof. Dr. M. Raissig; Expertise/Technical support for the CRISPR and transformation strategies

- MPI - Molecular Plant Physiology in Potsdam: Dr Arun Sampathkumar; Expertise/Technical support for the Lateral Root Cell Wall atlas

- Botanical Garden of Neuchâtel: Nicolas Rush; Technical support

• The main biological questions for the project:

Are there conserved developmental trajectories underlying root branching?

Are cell wall modifying enzymes conserved key regulators during root branching?

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